Fee for Service Grant Application
Fee for Service Grant Application
This application form is for Non-profit Organizations who are applying for a Fee for Service grant. The City of Fort St. John may contact you to request additional information, or clarification, to support your application. To ensure your application is considered, please complete and return the application with all required documentation by March 1 (unless otherwise specified).
Eligibility Criteria
Fee for Service grant funding is provided by the City of Fort St. John, under an agreement, to assist local non-profit organizations with the delivery of services to the community that would otherwise be delivered by the City as the service falls within the realm of municipal service. The Fee for Service grant represents the City’s contribution towards the group. The term Fee for Service does not imply that the City’s contribution is intended to be a 100% contribution.
Grant applications must be consistent with the aims, objectives, and standards of the City of Fort St. John, and must not be at variance with any City policies.
Submitted applications will be presented for Council approval. Organizations may be required to present to Council at a Committee of the Whole meeting.
The City of Fort St. John is committed to protecting your privacy. Any personal information you provide to us is collected pursuant to 26(c) and 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of administering City services.
Should you have any questions about the collection of this personal information please contact the Corporate Officer.