Winter Road Maintenance

Snow Removal

When the weather outside is frightful, we are working to get you home safe!

The City clears roads according to the priority map. We clear main roads first and then residential roads if it does not start to snow again. If it starts snowing then main roads take priority.

The City clears snow from a total of 357.7 lane kilometers of roads:

  • 48.3 km of that is loaded into trucks and hauled away. This is done on city streets in the downtown core and other city streets that do not offer snow storage.
  • 125.4 km of that is considered priority 1, which are major thoroughfares, emergency routes, bus routes, and collector roads.
  • 184 km of that is considered priority 2, which are residential roads.

The area adjacent to the roadway is allocated for snow storage. It is not recommended for trees, shrubs, or flowers to be planted there; or that lawn ornaments, vehicles, or anything of value be placed on the boulevard.

If you see a hazard on our roads, please use the Report a Problem tool on our website or the City of Fort St. John App to inform us of it.


The City uses graders, snowblowers, plow trucks, loaders, tractors, and sand trucks during the winter months.

Road Sanding

The City produces winter sand from our own gravel pit. We use a mixture of 9mm aggregate or below and salt. The City sands the roads in the winter months as required.

It is important to know that locking your brakes, sliding to a stop, and accelerating rapidly at intersections causes sand to disperse and is no longer effective at intersections. When following a sand truck please do not tailgate and stay 25 meters behind.

Safety Tips

The City of Fort St. John would like to remind residents of some simple tips when equipment is out on our roadways.

  • Do not approach vehicles or equipment; the operator may not see or hear you, placing you at risk of injury.
  • Equipment may reverse suddenly. Stay 25 meters back to ensure the operator can see you and has enough room to manoeuvre.
  • Take an alternate route if you see equipment working on the road you wish to travel.
  • Violence, threats, and verbal abuse towards our workers will not be tolerated. If you have concerns or questions about the work being done, please contact Public Works and a supervisor will assist you.

Public Snow Dump

The City of Fort St. John maintains a public snow dump which is located at 79 Avenue and 93 Street, with the entrance on 79 Avenue. The snow dump can be used by residents and businesses free of charge but must be free of debris and other materials.

Public Sand Box

We provide winter sand for residents to use for sidewalk maintenance. Residents can bring down a shovel and fill a bucket or two (not a pickup load) of sand from one of the following two locations:

  1. 10303 Cree Road (outside the Public Works yard)
  2. Corner of 100 Street and Northern Lights Drive (in the parking lot)

Please note that this service is not for commercial properties.